Acacia cognata Limelight, prominent grafted standard

Some cultivation notes… they can be tricky, so prudent to be aware of needs.

  1. Aspect is critical – sunny but sheltered from winds both prevailing and persistent.
  2. Plenty of air circulation – space specimens so that foliage is not touching other.
  3. Secure plants to avoid fall-over, easily damaged as branch infrastructure is fragile.
  4. Watering – not too wet, never too dry – needs to be consistent.
  5. Fertiliser – ensure application of slow-release fertiliser – best to use either Troforte (recommended) or Osmocote – apply as per direction. I recommend quarterly applications.
  6. Scale insects frequent the habitat of the dense dry foliage and are not easily discovered until established.
    • I recommend application of Richgro’s Bug Killa Granules as a control measure – easily applied and works systemically.
    • I suggest to always apply regardless of known presence of scale.
    • These plants are generally adversely affected with foliar application of insecticides – I recommend not to use.