

We source the highest quality stock available at the time. Please make sure your tree selection is suitable for your area and space. As a tree is a living organism, we cannot guarantee specific growth rates or mature size. All sizes and growth rates are given as a general guide and are produced under ideal conditions. Trees can take some time to adjust to the conditions in their new position and will not necessarily grow to their expected ideal during this time. Trees leave our garden centre in a healthy condition, and we cannot be responsible for trees incorrectly treated, under watered, over watered, incorrectly planted or generally not given the correct growing conditions. Should a tree not appear to be doing as well as expected, we require you to contact us immediately by email providing photos and any other additional information regarding the care of the tree. Should you wait until the tree has died before contacting us, we will not offer a replacement at reduced cost or free. PLEASE NOTE: Proof of purchase in the form of a receipt or tree label with price tag is required for a tree to be eligible for a full or partial refund.